Thursday, June 13, 2013

Balancing Act

Trying to find balance in life as a mom is hard.  I'm not telling you anything you don't know, right?  I struggle with being an attentive mom and wife, a good friend, a productive household manager (that is an endless job description in itself), an amazing fitness instructor/personal trainer/health coach and still also have time for my sanity, my relationship with God (which should be the source of my sanity and praise and worship and joy and fill all the holes that I can't), our family and a bunch of other things that I cannot mention because, quite frankly, I don't have the time to categorize it all!

Life is busy.  Everyone knows we're over-doing.  Sports is an all-in hobby.  If you have more than one kid or more than one sport to attend to, you're all-in and then some.  And we're all trying to make ends there's work.  And social commitments.   I see people posting/blogging/being organized and all looks like its in order and I'm left wondering how they do it!  How do they juggle it all?  Where do they find the time? 

I turned to Proverbs 31 to see how she did it.  And I found some things that I will blog about in other posts.  But in the end, after praying about it, talking to folks, I found that it does come down to our priorities.  The Great Commandment:  Love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul.  And loving our neighbor as ourselves.  Matthew 22:34-40 (  The world would be perfect, because your priorities are in order.  And everyone is treating everyone else with love, respect and helping hands.  Everything falls into place from least where God's concerned. 

But where the world is concerned - that is a whole other business....hate, envy, lust (for people, objects, status, money, you name it) are the ways of the world and the criteria the world uses to judge your success.  How others do they juggle it all....where they find the time.  Judging ourselves and others by the world's standard.  THAT is when I feel the smallest, the most worthless, inadequate and overwhelmed.  It is simply not meant to be that least not the way our Creator created us to live. 

When I think of the way I started this post...trying to balance all of my responsibilities...I have to look realistically at the priority I give to those various responsibilities.  What comes first: making sure my house is in order or checking whats going on with friends, social media and email?  When my kids need something, do I give them my undivided attention or am I thinking about what exercise is going to really make my boot camp class groan or catching up on laundry?    Most importantly...Did I give God my firstfruits or did I decide to sleep a little later and have my coffee while I checked out the internet?  Hooofta!

Priorities.  Honest assessment.  Start there...its where I'm starting.  And be on the lookout for the Proverbs 31 post...I think if there is anyone we can use as a standard for pulling our lives together, its got to be God's standard, not the world's. 

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